I've been spending time with family and friends and enjoying the beautiful simplicity of being surrounded by so much love and acceptance. I've been reconnecting with my grandma who suffers from dementia. I've been learning that you can lose your memory without losing your spirit. I've been relishing in the little moments spent with her, realizing throughout the process that life is short and the ties of family run deep.
I've been reflecting a lot on how time and place are relative things and that, for the most part, I can find happiness in different places for different reasons.
I've been truly enjoying the work I've been doing and the freedom that it has allowed me to focus on me. I've been enjoying making small differences in the lives of young people who have so much to offer to this world, but who have been dealt life circumstances that most adults I know would struggle through. And I've been inspired by the way these young people get up every day and make the best of the hands they've been dealt.
I've been adjusting to weather in a place where it isn't warm and sunny everyday. I'm been learning the art of layering clothing.
And I've been thinking about the future direction of this blog and my commitment to write something of meaning everyday.
I hope you are finding peace in all of your days...
[Image available at http://www.freefoto.com]
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